Mr Hollands Opus Grant

The Mr. Holland's Opus Foundation is a non-profit organization whose main purpose is to provide instruments to Title-1 schools with strong music programs that suffer from a lack of funding and cannot afford to maintain their equipment. Ben Lomond High School fits their criteria well, and thus we chose this grant to be one of our focuses.

On their website, they have a Pre-Qualification Form, which is the first stage of the application. For this, we had to take our grant template and compress it into 500 characters (including spaces) which accurately and succinctly described the need of the Bagpipe Corps. 

To write this summary, Fenton stripped down the template into a few key sentences, and once he had everything necessary to describe the need, he expanded some of the key information slightly to make the most of the character limit. The result can be read below.

Mr. Hollands Opus

"We are experiencing an exciting time of expansion in the Ben Lomond Bagpipes Corps. Our class has a total of 54 students registered for the following year. Many of these new students have seen us perform and truly wish to learn and participate. With only 10 working sets of aging bagpipes available, we have an urgent need to acquire more sets of bagpipes for our students to play. With a larger inventory of instruments we will be able to teach more students to share the love of music with everyone."

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